
About the AuthorĀ 


Paul Goble is an award winning author and illustrator of children’s books. He was born in England and went to the Central School of Art in London. In 1977, he moved to the Black Hills in South Dakota and was adopted by Chief Edgar Red Cloud. He has lived in the United States since then and became a citizen in 1984. His time with Chief Edgar Red Cloud greatly influenced his desire to write and illustrate children’s books.

“His illustrations accurately depict Native American clothing, customs, and surroundings in brilliant color and detail. Goble has taken Iktomi stories, the star stories, and the creation of myths of Sioux, a vast body of philosophical and spiritual knowledge about the universe, to write his children’s books which he, himself, has illustrated in European and aesthetic style. Now living in Minnesota, he has successfully used several people as “informants,” including a popular hoop dancer, Kevin Locke, who lives on on of the South Dakota reservations.”

Click this link to read an interview with Paul Goble.